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Public Call for Hydrogen Hubs: Brazil towards industrial decarbonization

Public Call for Hydrogen Hubs

The Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) has launched a strategic public call to select proposals aimed at developing low-carbon hydrogen hubs in Brazil, as part of the National Hydrogen Program (PNH2). With the aim of promoting the decarbonization of Brazilian industry and consolidating the country as a leader in the energy sector, the government seeks initiatives that integrate clean technologies and cutting-edge infrastructure.

PNH2 Triennial Plan and International Cooperation

The PNH2, according to its Three-Year Work Plan 2023-2025, aims to consolidate low-emission hydrogen hubs in Brazil by 2035. In partnership with the Brazil-UK Hydrogen Hub, an initiative resulting from Brazil-UK cooperation, and with the participation of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the public call seeks to identify proposals that align with the goal of creating commercial-scale hydrogen hubs. UNIDO will act as secretariat, assisting the MME in the technical support and operationalization of the platform.

Structure and Objectives of the Public Call

The call seeks proposals that optimize the synergy between energy generation and the use of hydrogen-related infrastructures, focusing on the decarbonization of industrial sectors that are difficult to abate. The development of hubs includes the production, storage and transportation of hydrogen, consolidating an integrated and sustainable ecosystem. The main objectives of this initiative are:

  • Strengthen national production chains with a focus on low-emission technologies;

  • Take advantage of the synergy between energy sectors and other economic segments;

  • Develop business models to decarbonize sectors such as steel production, cement, fertilizers and others;

  • Promote the competitiveness of Brazilian green products in the global market.

Public Call for Hydrogen Hubs

Hydrogen Hubs: Financing and Economic Development Opportunities

Proposals selected through the call may be included in the Brazilian government’s Submission for the first phase of the competition for resources from the Climate Investment Funds – Industry Decarbonization (CIF-ID). Proposals that meet the criteria may have access to concessional financing, enabling investments in the necessary infrastructure and technologies. This strategy aims to catalyze the meeting of hydrogen suppliers and users, fostering sustainable economic development and Brazil’s competitiveness in the global low-carbon economy.

Deadlines and Procedures for Participation

The proposal submission period is open from October 3 to November 2, 2024. Interested companies must complete the form available on the official MME platform, ensuring that all sections, including eligibility criteria, proponent information, overview and proposal details, are duly completed. Proposals will be reviewed until December 6, and, if approved, proponents will be invited to submit a Business Plan for potential inclusion in the Brazilian government's investment plan.

The MME reinforces the importance of ensuring that proposals present innovative and synergistic solutions for the production and use of low-emission hydrogen, with a focus on strategic industrial sectors. For more information, interested parties can access the guidance documents and frequently asked questions available on the PNH2 portal or contact the Ministry directly.



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