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IRENA: Shaping sustainable international Hydrogen value chains


The production of renewable-based hydrogen and its derivatives has immense economic potential, particularly in areas with high renewable potential, water resources, land availability and low financial costs. These physical properties, however, may not always recommend production at scale in close proximity to anticipated demand centers. In such cases, international trade can play a key role in matching supply and demand areas, potentially leading to the creation of new value chains that span the globe.

This report discusses important factors that can contribute to the development of sustainable renewable hydrogen value chains , including environmental, infrastructure, socio-economic and governance aspects associated with renewable hydrogen production in developing countries and its transportation to meet future demand. Renewable hydrogen production and trade presents a wide range of opportunities and risks in these areas, all of which must be carefully considered. This balanced approach is essential to ensure the sustainability and long-term success of renewable hydrogen production and trade.

Download the report HERE:


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